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Translate module odoo using : Chatgpt, google
8 tháng 5, 2024 bởi
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Đặc điểm chính

use google for translation

use Chatgpt for translation


merge multi record for call chatgpt's api


Danh sách chức năng

Translation for file pot


Translation for file json


Translating direct odoo 's module


Configuration ChatGpt

Configuration ChatGpt by Setting -> General Setting -> "ChatGpt": - Api Key : key for Chatgpt - Method : Google or Chatgpt - size buffer: max size for sending to chatgpt.

Odoo • Text and Image

Import and export Pot file

Import and export Pot file : - Upload pot file to system - Choose language , for example vi - Export and download file

Odoo • Image and Text

Import and export json file

Import and export Json file : - Upload pot file to system - Choose language , for example vi - Export and download file

Odoo • Text and Image

Translate key word or multi keyword

Translate key word or multi key work : - Translate a record - Translate multi record at the same time

Odoo • Image and Text
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